Placa de ac E18 originala Brother cu 4 linii si orificiu de 1.8mm. Face pereche cu transportorul 111860121, se recomanda pentru materiale subtiri si sunt compatibile cu majoritatea masinilor industriale liniare cu un ac.
Se poate regasi si cu urmatoarele coduri: E18, 111859, 111859001, 111859-001, 111859101, 111859-101
Mai jos regasiti modelele de masini Brother unde se regaseste placa 111859301(111859-301)si denumirea paginilor din manual :
S-1000A Ga. Gauge parts list
S-1110A Ga. Gauge parts list
S-6200A Ga. Gauge parts list
S-6200DD B. Needle bar and thread take-up mechanism
S-7000DD B. Needle bar and thread take-up mechanism
S-7000DD Ga. Gauge parts list
S-7100A B. Needle bar and thread take-up mechanism
S-7100A Ga. Gauge parts list
S-7200A Sp2. Different parts list (For USA)
S-7200A Sp3. Different parts list (For China)
S-7200A Sp4. Different parts list (For General export)
S-7200A Sp5. Different parts list (For Europe & Canada)
S-7200A Ga6. Gauge parts list (Light & medium-weight materials : 4ROW)
S-7200A Ga8. Gauge parts list (Light & medium-weight materials : 4ROW)
S-7200B Sp2. Different parts list (For USA)
S-7200B Sp3. Different parts list (For China)
S-7200B Sp4. Different parts list (For General export)
S-7200B Sp5. Different parts list (For Europe & Canada)
S-7200B Ga6. Gauge parts list(Light & medium-weight materials : 4ROW)
S-7200B Ga8. Gauge parts list (Light & medium-weight materials : 4ROW)
S-7200C Sp2. Different parts list (For USA, China and General export)
S-7200C Sp3. Different parts list (For Europe)
S-7200C Ga6. Gauge parts list (Light & medium-weight materials : 4ROW)
S-7200C Ga8. Gauge parts list (Light & medium-weight materials : 4ROW)
S-7250A Sp2.Different parts list (For China and General export)
S-7250A Sp3.Different parts list (For Europe)
S-7250A Sp4.Different parts list (For the Americas)
S-7300A Sp2. Different parts list (For the Americas, China and General export)
S-7300A Sp3. Different parts list (For Europe)
S-7300A Ga5. Gauge parts list (Medium-weight materials : 4ROW)
S-7550A Ga. Gauge parts list
SL-1110 Ga. Gauge parts list
SL-2110 Ga. Gauge parts list
SL-737A Sp. Different parts List
SL-737A Ga6. Gauge parts List (Light & medium-weight materials:4ROW)
SL-737A Ga7. Gauge parts List (Light & medium-weight materials:4ROW)